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Your fog is lifting


At times traumatic events (or just situations) occur in life were people find themselves in periods of confusion, unable to think clearly and “foggy”. The inability to understand objectively their present and to pierce through the eyes of God into their future has become murky and cloudy.

Living with a foggy view and trying to move forward in such a state can be tricky and even

dangerous. It’s like driving on a foggy road….it’s tricky and dangerous since it’s more or less like driving inside a cloud. Your vision is limited and response time for curves and obstacles is


Many bible characters (actually most of them) experienced foggy times in their lives.

For example;

Moses – On the run to save his own skin for the murder he committed. He ran to the back of the desert to be as far from his persecutors as possible. He lost his identity, his confidence and believed his life will end in a run away state with limited vision for the future.

Note: No matter how far you run….you will never be able to outrun God.

Job – Sitting on a heap of ash after everything he had in the natural had been stripped from him. All his wealth, his help, his beloved children had been lost. The only thing he had left in the natural was

five friends and a bitter wife. His life broke down and his understanding was crushed not being able to see and hear beyond the heap of ash he sat on.

Note; No matter your state of impossibilities….with God everything is possible and stays possible. God increased Job with double glory out of a heap of ash.

Joseph – Was so hated by his own brothers and was so jealous towards him that they sold him as a slave and was taken to Egypt by his new owners.

He was stripped away from his former life in moments.

His emotions of rejection and abandonment must have blurred and “fogged” up his mind trying to understand how this could ever be real…..everything that has been happening to him is in total contrast to what he knew he carried from God in his heart.

Note; Just like Joseph, many children of God are being ex-communicated by family, church family and/or friends because of the leading of God’s Spirit in their life or the dream they carry within them. These new breed Christians do not compromise in their convictions and even place Spirit above family. Some say; Blood is thicker than water…..I differ; Spirit is thicker than blood. We need to follow God and preserve His leading within us. He is the promoter….not people!

David – He had many “foggy” moments were he experienced his life breaking down uncontrollably. The worst moment was when Nathan the prophet brought clarity to his mind about the severity of

his sin and conduct before the Lord. Murdering Uriah and sleeping with Bath-Sheba.

Note; Just like David, many has made grave mistakes in life. Any mistake is taken care of through repentance and the applying

the blood of Jesus.

We should never accept our mistake/s to be become part of our identity. We are not our mistakes. God already secured the remedy for any shortfall we are experiencing or may have

experienced – no matter the shortfall. Let’s bring these scriptures to remembrance when shame, quilt or condemnation knocks at our door.

Colossians 3:1-4 NLT

[1] Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand.

[2] Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.

[3] For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.

[4] And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.

All these characters I mentioned needed to get back to the place were God’s reality became their focus again. God will NEVER abandon us! NEVER!!!!

Here is the Lord’s eternal promise to us;

Hebrews 13:5 AMPC

[5] Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down ( relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]

Only mentioning these few people in the Bible who had strong callings on their lives (there are many more) we witness brokenness, confusion, fogginess, separation, feelings of disqualification, abandonment and Isolation in certain moments of their lives.

David expresses his raw anguish and disappointment in himself to the Lord throughout

many psalms.

When trauma hits and our life breaks down for one reason or another…..being it someone else's fault, our own fault, or own stupidity, regret can be paralysing and allow things to become foggy. These events slows our lives down and bring at times our life to a stand still.

A breakdown is designed by the enemy to immobilise us and bring us into a world of despair,

hopelessness, confusion and even panic.

If not dealt with in wisdom, counsel and insight a breakdown has the ability to make us stationary and will literally rob us of our transportation vehicle.

At times we just don’t experience any forward movement because we have not embraced the realities of heaven for our life. We have not put on the spectacles of heaven.

A clouded fogged up mind and contaminated heart has many people of God halted today.

Nothing is moving because they have lost their joy and expectancy for the goodness of God to happen in their lives.

Yes, JOY is our transportation vehicle. Joy moves us. Joy increases our expectancy. Without joy we are STUCK!

Nehemiah 8:10 declares; The JOY of the Lord is our strenght.

Joy removes the fog and allows us to glare into the future with much anticipation and

expectation. Joy is the evidence of harbouring strong faith and trust in God and His plan for our lives.

JOY transports the promise and keeps the promise moving forward.

John 8:56 NASBS

[56] Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad."

The passion translation puts it this way;

John 8:56 TPT

[56] And not only that, Abraham, your ancestor, was overjoyed when he received the revelation of my coming to earth. Yes, he foresaw me coming and was filled with delight!"

Again, we need to hold on to our joy because joy transports us into our future and allows the fog of a traumatic breakdown to dissipate in our lives.

One of the greatest reasons I personally have to hold on to my joy is found in my continual

knowing of His love for me. The day Jesus walked into my life, love walked into my life. This always brings me back to the realisation of who I am and WHO’S I am.

Maybe you have lost your joy. You have been more focused on the breakdown than the person of Jesus and the promise He gave you. You are feeling foggy and confused.

Let me say this under the unction of the Spirit of God over your life today. The Lord is lifting the fog in your life right now. The Lord is bringing an end to your breakdown (whatever the cause of your breakdown – The Lord is greater than our worst mistakes and at times our rebellious acts we performed)

There will be no more spiritual blindness, deafness or muteness in our lives in this time. The new breed christian is being moved by God to hear, see and speak clearly. We are being filled with heavenly joy and mobilised by heaven to execute His purpose and plan.

God intervened in every bible characters life I mentioned and many others. We cannot make it happen. He is making it happen. He is moving, brewing and blowing across the earth to bring change and restoring many to continue with their predestined journey. He is waiting on many to surrender anew. To abandon themselves in Him and to trust Him.

Removing the fogginess

David got back on track through praying this prayer which I have prayed many times over my

own life when I felt stuck;

Psalm 51:10-12 KJVS

[10] Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

[11] Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

[12] Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

The word create means; Bringing something back into existence. The Lord is causing

something to happen in your life that will shift and move you to greater heights.

Listen, the Lord is shaping new conditions and circumstances in his peoples lives across the earth. Our time of strong movement has arrived.

Create also means birthing off the new because of our unwillingness to live and continue with the old.

We have decided it’s over with the old in our lives. We will not live locked into a stationary position any langer or being driven along by crowds which makes noice but does not understand the term to abide in Him.

Furthermore CREATE means MIRACLES!!!! This is our season of miracles!!!

David is asking the Lord to create a new/clean heart. This is powerful. A clean heart means I can see what God see’s. Clean means pure and transparent……in other words no more fogginess. It actually means I am within the eye of God.

Zachariah 2:8 (B);

for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye...

This time will also be marked by a Season of fairness. God is levelling the playfield and He

wants ALL His children to expect great things to happen. Great things are not reserved for a

selected few….they are meant for all of us – His children.

Then David asks; Lord, Renew a right Spirit within me. Renew is “Chadash” in the Hebrew. It means to rebuild causatively. In other words being effective or operating as a cause. Being significant for Him and His kingdom on earth.

I declare over you today; Your significance is being restored!!!

David goes on and prays; Renew a right spirit within me. That word spirit is the “Ruach” breath of God being renewed in his peoples lives. This means God is bringing a sensible, or even violent, exhalation through His Spirit within and through his peoples lives. To put it plainly; The Lord is exhaling/blowing in, on, through and over HIS people today. I see a South wind of the Spirit blowing over his people

The biblical meaning of a south wind represents a warm up and gentleness the Lord is bringing about in our lives.

Wind also spreads abroad. When wind blows over flowers it takes the aroma along with it.

Song of Songs 4:16 AMPC

[16] [You have called me a garden, she said] Oh, I pray that the [cold] north wind and the [soft] south wind may blow upon my garden, that its spices may flow out [in abundance for you in whom my soul delights]. Let my beloved come into his garden and eat its choicest fruits.

Nothing can stop wind, it’s got no boundaries and no limits. Wind doesn’t gather….but rather

scatters…..God’s is spreading His children across the globe to make His fragrance known.

We are moving to greater levels of faith and if the Lord is taking us to greater levels of faith we will experience greater depths of rest.

I believe the Ruach breath of God (Spirit of God blowing across the globe) is to do the following in our lives today;

- He is inspiring ecstatic state of prophecy

- He is impelling us to utter instruction or warning from heaven

- He is imparting warlike energy with executive and administrative power

- He is endowing us with various gifts

- He is releasing energy of life

- He is wanting to manifest His Shekinah glory

- He is removing a depersonalised force/culture from His church

Love you much


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