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Exceptional Ability

The Lord is raising up a people with exceptional ability. A people who will be known as people of deep understanding and operating in divine knowledge. Daniel was such a person.

Daniel 5:12 NLT

[12] This man Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, has exceptional ability and is filled with divine knowledge and understanding. He can interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve difficult problems. Call for Daniel, and he will tell you what the writing means."

The reason why Daniel demonstrated exceptional abilities was his devotion and commitment to God. He loved God and lived a holy life. He was focused on God and refused to be polluted with the babylonian culture.

Daniel's continual devotion to prayer empowered him to live the life of faith and godly leadership in a very hostile babylonian society. Daniel was known for his righteousness and wisdom and stood tall as a follower of God.

Daniel learned to lead by demonstrating qualities like resolve, risk, faith, humility, courage,

faithfulness and integrity. All these qualities were gained from obedience, surrender and prayer. 

There is no doubt that Daniel was marked, known, and recognised for his exceptional abilities. Abilities he received from his internal life source. The Spirit of God.

Today, many of God’s children are developing the art like Daniel developed. The ability to be

exceptional in there walk with God and releasing the benefits of these exceptional abilities in the sphere of influence the Lord has placed them in on this earth.

I want to declare over you today; The Lord is raising you up to demonstrate exceptional abilities resulting in supernatural outcomes. Your devotion towards the Lord has allowed you to enter a season of reward. Just as the Lord has used the world, and a very hostile environment, to promote Daniel and to up-scale his influence, so will the Lord do with you. What was meant for evil against you will be overturned and result in the goodness of God in your life. I sense the power of God as I am releasing this word on these pages.

Daniel survived deep deadly jealousy from his enemies. He survived temptations in a hateful

environment towards his God between a people that practised idol worship. He survived the lion's den and his jewish brothers survived the seven times extra heated fiery furnace because of their exceptional abilities produced by an exceptional relationship with God.

Daniel’s relationship with the Lord was expressed through his life in an amazing accurate

coordinated way. He expressed God’s will under tremendous pressure without wavering and with no regard to man's opinion.

The art of coordinating the impulses of God’s Spirit in our lives, and expressing them as He wills, comes at a cost, but it’s rewarded with exceptional abilities resulting in supernatural

outcomes. These exceptional abilities, and the results it produces, will always bring the focus and the glory to God.

You may have been slandered against, thrown away without mercy, cast out because of mistakes you made or because you don’t sound religiously correct – I want to say to you today, you will survive the lion’s den. God is the one who gives us the breath of life and He alone controls our destiny.

The people that are rising in the great army of the Lord, at this very moment, does not retreat

because of the cost of following Jesus. They are rising out of pure love for Him. Their motivation is love, love and more love.

Let’s understand what Jesus meant about the art of following Him in the following scriptures:

Luke 9:57-62 NLT

[57] As they were walking along, someone said to Jesus, "I will follow you wherever you go." [58] But Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head."; [59] He said to another person, "Come, follow me."The man agreed, but he said, "Lord, first let me return home and bury my father."; [60] But Jesus told him, "Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead! Your duty is to go and preach about the Kingdom of God."; [61] Another said, "Yes, Lord, I will follow you, but first let me say good-bye to my family." [62] But Jesus told him, "Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."

Putting one’s hand to the plow means we have entered covenant; we have been placed in an

environment. The environment of Kingdom. We have committed our lives to Him. The decision has been made. Things have been set up for some action. In biblical times, putting one’s hand to the plow meant we have oxen and solid equipment, like a plow, to overturn the soil.

To guide a plow effectively we need the left hand to control and navigate the plow in a required straight line and at the same time our right hand to guide the Oxen and effectively harness their power. The left hand guides the plow and the right hand guides the oxen. The biblical meaning of the left hand is riches and honour.


Because the left hand guides the actions produced by the life it receives from the

right hand. Without our right hand receiving guidance there will be no riches and honour. The biblical meaning for the right hand is strength and honour.

1 Chronicles 29:12 NLT

[12] Wealth and honour come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand, and at your discretion people are made great and given strength.

If we want to really succeed in life and experience exceptional abilities, we need excellent coordination between our application (left hand guiding the plow) and the power (right hand

receiving the power through instruction), we harness from our relationship with God.

Jesus says, it will be detrimental for anyone who has the plow and the oxen – in other words – they are equipped but not coordinated, prioritised and organised.

Jesus makes it clear that looking away while we have our left hand to the plow and our right hand on the oxen, we will turn the plow out of its path and we waste surface space. A skewed plow trench is a wasted plow trench.

All farmers understand that the more straight their plow trenches are the more surface area they optimise to sow their seed. Skewed plough trenches are disastrous and cause challenges for all following operations.

God is not in the wasting business. Distractions, deceptions and minds wondering off after

temptations rob us of the exceptional abilities that lives in all of us by God’s Spirit. Being distracted we start doing things that are not authorised with the Lord’s power and we get in trouble……. we may have power but no intimacy.

Mathew 7:21 - Tyndale; NLT 1996 Translation

Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to me as “Lord”

but they still won’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The decisive issue is whether they obey my Father in heaven. 22) On judgement day many will tell me, “Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.”

23) But I will reply, “I never knew you. Go away; the things you did were unauthorized.

Putting one’s hand to the plow and using God’s power to serve our nature of the past does not make anyone fit for the kingdom of God. The result in looking back with the hand on the plow, while being in covenant, will make one do things not authorised by heaven with heavens equipment.

We may experience the benefit but not the heart of God.

If we want exceptional abilities through intimacy with Him, we need to bring stability into our

environment and allow Him to rule over our actions.

We do this just like Daniel did. Daniel was focused on God, responsive to God, synchronised with God, undistracted from God, committed to God. Daniel discerned idols but never submitting to their benefits.

Without intimacy there will be no coordination. You will be plowing your own way and there will be chaos and loss in your field.

To settle any turbulence and chaos in our lives we need to trust God and allow Him to have His way in keeping our hand to the plough and looking straight ahead of us. Keep your right hand in His hand so His power can continually flow for His objectives to be met through your life.

The Lord is our source of life. Without God life cannot exist. Exceptional abilities are meant for all God’s children and you are being rewarded for your devoted lifestyle – just like Daniel.

Love you much


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