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From My Prophetic Desk For The Year 2020


For many spirit filled children of God the year 2019 was a challenging tuff year. A year were many battles had been fought, many challenges that needed overcoming and many situations that needed some resetting.

The Lord has reset his willing people in 2019 for a relaunch in 2020. 2020 Will be marked with tremendous fulfillment, belonging and victory. Many will experience a drawing forth and drawing out of the ordinary into and out to the extraordinary. Individual life’s will be radically changed and the Lord will reveal many of His children to the world in a powerful authentic way.

Authenticity will be the mark of many on their life’s for 2020. Authenticity increases on the bases of allowing ourselves to be transformed into our original state of our design and form which is the reality we have become in Christ. We are therefore worthy of trust, reliance and favor. Our report is completely authentic. Our original form is the likeness and image of Christ in which we find our authenticity.....the who I am.

Our life’s for 2020 will be marked by vision, breakthrough and extraordinary miracles.

Luke 17:6 TPT

[6] Jesus responded, "If you have even the smallest measure of authentic faith, it would be powerful enough to say to this large tree, 'My faith will pull you up by the roots and throw you into the sea,' and it will respond to your faith and obey you."

The Lord is challenging his people in 2020 to be vulnerable and trust Him. In the place of vulnerability, change, creation and innovative solutions will occur and much blessing will follow.

Trust Him this year. Your internal fruit will be peace, joy, gratefulness and belonging. Your external fruit will be favour, godly connections and extraordinary opportunities.

This year is going to be amazing to the one’s that will take the step of faith and be vulnerable in moving forward by trusting their creator.

Much love


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